More Good Books

Calling all readers! Winter isn’t over yet and you still have some long evenings by the fireplace to fill. Often it’s hard to find just the right title to uplift, inspire and encourage you in your walk with the Lord. I always appreciate a book recommended by a friend.  So today I share with you some more good books to pass those dark nights.  Pull up a chair, a good book, a cup of tea or cocoa, and be blessed.

In His Steps

This was likely the fifth time I read In His Steps.  There is something compelling about a story that makes one return to it again and again for inspiration.  Written in the late 1800s as a sermon series, this provoking novel about a church in Kansas, gave birth to the popular expressions, WWJD?, What Would Jesus Do?  A small group from the church heeded the pastor’s call to ask this question before embarking on any endeavor.   You will find yourself wrapped up in the lives of a railroad tycoon, a singer, a newspaper editor and others who are seeking God’s path. The results were amazing and spread all the way to Chicago and the world.  You will want this to be the next book on your “to read” list. (see Job 26:2-4, 1 Peter 2:21).

Rebel With A Cause

How this book ended up on my bookshelf is a story in itself.  A few years back we decided to remove ourselves from all junk mail and email lists, sending companies unsubscribe notices.  In response to my departure from the Samaritan’s Purse list, Franklin Graham sent me a free copy of his book, Rebel With A Cause.  Such a nice hardback book I couldn’t just toss, so I put it on my bookshelf.  Five years later, when searching for something to read, I pulled it down and read the first page. I was instantly wrapped up in the life of the eldest son of the great evangelist Billy Graham, his salvation story,  and how he came to lead the godly relief organization, Samaritan’s Purse.  You will be inspired to live out God’s call for your life as you read how Jesus helped Franklin Graham.

Just As I Am

Having enjoyed Franklin Graham’s autobiography so much, I searched for more titles at my local library.  I was delighted to find a copy of Just As I Am by Billy Graham.  This book is a bit weightier than the other two titles, literally and figuratively.  The 760 page autobiography is a heavy one to put in your airline carry-on bag, but the tales of Rev. Graham’s crusades from Los Angeles to Australia to Russia (behind the Iron Curtain) to the ends of the earth, will encourage you to follow whatever God’s call is for your life. From his roots as a dairy farmer in North Carolina to his role as pastor to presidents, no one can deny that Rev. Graham lived a life worthy of the calling with which he was called.  And as I write this short review, I believe the dear pastor is ninety-nine years old and still talking with Jesus from North Carolina.

Finally, book-lovers, if these are not enough titles for you, I recommend a social media book group,, where you can share and find more Christian books to inspire.  My TEA CUPP Prayers is also on there, so if you are a Goodreads member, I appreciate you dropping by to give me a review.  Many thanks and God bless your cozy evenings!

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8 (NKJV)

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.

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