Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20 (NKJV)
So you’ve been wanting to get started with a TEA time with Jesus, but aren’t quite sure how to do it? Today’s devotion is for you!
First of all, let’s praise the Lord! You have heard God’s call and accepted His invitation to come! That is fantastic!
The best way to make it happen is to organize your TEA time ahead of time so that the enemy doesn’t slip in and distract you.
So, TODAY, pick your Jesus spot. This is the place in your house where you will have TEA with Jesus each day. Set it up with your Bible, a journal or notebook, and some pens. I also have a devotional book, prayer shawl, calendar, and an old hymnal. But you will find out what you need and add it as you pray over the years. Be sure to tell your family, “This is my Jesus spot! When you see me sitting here, I’m having TEA with Jesus. So please wait until I’m finished to talk to me.”
Also, TODAY, set your alarm for an hour early for tomorrow morning. Leave it set an hour early every day!
TOMORROW, when your alarm goes off, jump out of bed, greet the day and say, “Good morning, Jesus, let’s have TEA!” Don’t check your phone or computer or TV or let anything distract you. Heat your tea kettle, pour yourself a steaming cup, and sit down in your Jesus spot.
Open your Bible and let Jesus speak to you first through His Word. I like to pray a little prayer before reading, such as Psalm 119:18…Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law. If you aren’t sure where to read in your Bible, begin with the book of John, reading a few chapters each day. Then read the Psalms and then Genesis. Or you might try a Bible reading plan to help you read the whole Bible in a year. I follow the plan found in Our Daily Bread.
As you are reading your Bible, have your pen handy to underline favorite verses that God shows you. These verses you can use later as conversation starters for prayer, to write in a card to encourage a friend, or to put on a note card on your bathroom mirror to memorize!
When you finish your Bible reading time, pull out your prayer journal or notebook and write down one of the verses that really spoke to you. Then pray and/or write your prayers to Jesus about that verse. Let your prayers flow from your heart to the throne of God!
The beautiful part of the TEA CUPP invitation is that it is more than just an invitation to sit down and have TEA with Jesus, it’s also an acronym for things you can talk about when you pray. The “T” is for THANKSGIVING where we thank God for His many blessings. The “E” is for EXALTING where we lift up and praise the name of Jesus. The “A” is for ADMITTING where we admit our sins and ask Jesus’ forgiveness. The “C” is for God’s CALLING where we talk to God about what He is calling us to do today or with our lives. The “U” is for UNDERSTANDING our stories so we can share our testimonies with others. The first “P” is for PROMISES where we claim a promise to carry us through the day. And the last “P” is for PETITIONS where we pour our hearts out to Jesus for everyone on our prayer lists.
Over the years the Lord showed me how I could use the different verses I have underlined for different parts of prayer. So in my Bible, I have put the letters “T-E-A-C-U-P-Pet” next to many of the underlined verses. When I want to tell God thank you, I just find a “T” verse and get started praying.
Another neat thing about the TEA CUPP acronym is that there are seven parts, just as there are seven days in a week. So, you could do one part each day of the week, or you could do them all in one day, or you could just pray as God gives you verses each day.
Today’s TEA CUPP: Follow today’s devotion to set up your Jesus spot and get started in prayer. After your TEA time with Jesus, arrange your Jesus spot again so it is ready for tomorrow. Welcome, dear friend, to the best TEA party of all!
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 (NKJV)
Scripture from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
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