New Year House Cleaning

Set your house in order. . .2 Kings 20:1, Isaiah 38:1 (NKJV)

Many people make a new year’s resolution to clean their houses. Every January, my friend Lisa gives her home a good spring-cleaning. That way, when spring really comes, she can work outside in her garden. She does this every year and her home always looks beautiful, yet comfortable and welcoming with house plants and seasonal decorations. She takes what she doesn’t need to the thrift shop and often comes home with something new. Lisa was one of my first friends who invited me for tea as she offered me a cup every time I visited her cozy home.

It’s ironic that even though my family is still “homeless” after two years since evacuating our home due to mold, we don’t get to escape spring-cleaning. My doctor insisted we deep-clean the guest cabin where we are currently blessed to reside. There are many tips for deep cleaning for mold-sensitive people, but her instructions were to vacuum with a HEPA filter vacuum, dust with Ever-clear, and wash all fabric with a Cascade dishwasher pod. It has a special enzyme to kill toxins. We also have two AirOasis filters going in the cabin to constantly clean the air. That spring-cleaning was a job we didn’t enjoy, but now we’re glad to know the cabin passes my doctor’s test.

My friend Carol also has been cleaning her house as she recovers from mold toxins. She had an interesting experience one day when the Holy Spirit told her there was something in her bedroom that He wanted her to clean. Carol went into her bedroom where He led her to a tall file cabinet. Then the Holy Spirit pointed out the right drawer and file. In it she found an un-opened wedding invitation from long ago. She hadn’t opened it because she already knew the date and was planning to go. So that day she opened it and found it had a Harry Potter theme. Carol knew the Holy Spirit doesn’t like the witchcraft in those books (Deut. 7:26, 18:10), so she burned the invitation along with other items. I like the way Carol lets the Holy Spirit help her clean!

God likes house-cleaning, too!  As I read my Bible, I notice several times when God’s people were told to “clean house!” Remember the tent-cleaning in Joshua 7?  After the victory at Jericho, a man named Achan stole some of the accursed treasures and hid them in his tent.  His sin caused the Lord not to go with Israel’s army, leading to Israel’s defeat in their first battle against Ai.  Joshua made certain that everyone had a “clean tent” after that!    

If you return to the Almighty, you will be built up;
You will remove iniquity far from your tents.
Job 22:23 (NKJV)

More than once, God’s children were told to clean His house. Hezekiah became king when he was 25 years old. In the very first year of his reign, he opened the doors of the house of the Lord and repaired them. Then he called the priests and Levites to carry out all the rubbish that had collected over the years of neglect.  It took 16 days, and when the temple was clean again, King Hezekiah restored temple worship and celebrated the Passover (Read 2 Chronicles 29–30).

…“Hear me, Levites! Now sanctify yourselves, sanctify the house of the Lord God of your fathers, and carry out the rubbish from the holy place. 2 Chronicles 29:5 (NKJV)

And they gathered their brethren, sanctified themselves, and went according to the commandment of the king, at the words of the Lord, to cleanse the house of the Lord. 2Chronicles 29:15 (NKJV)

When Josiah became king, a few generations later, God’s house needed cleaning again. Josiah was only eight years old at the start of his reign.  At the age of 16, he began to seek the Lord and tear down idols in the land of Judah. When he was 26, Josiah directed the work of cleaning the temple; there, they found the Book of the Law of the Lord given by Moses.  Imagine, not being able to find God’s Word because it was buried under rubbish, idols, and abominations!  Josiah tore his clothes when he heard God’s Law and realized how they had fallen short.  Like his great-grandfather, King Josiah restored true worship and kept the Passover at the temple (Read 2 Chronicles 34).

If you would prepare your heart,
And stretch out your hands toward Him;
 If iniquity were in your hand, and you put it far away,
And would not let wickedness dwell in your tents;
Then surely you could lift up your face without spot;
Yes, you could be steadfast, and not fear.
Job 11:13-15 (NKJV)

What can we learn from all this house-cleaning? Cleaning fits so well with the “A” part of the TEA CUPP where we ADMIT our sins and ask for God’s forgiveness. The Lord wants both our houses where we live and our hearts to be clean.  Can we seek the Lord in His Word like King Josiah? Can we carry out the rubbish like King Hezekiah and my friend Lisa? Can we let the Holy Spirit guide us like my friend Carol?  Can we admit our sins and let Jesus give us clean homes and hearts? 

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9 (NKJV)

The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 (NKJV)

Today’s TEA CUPP: And so, we clean our hearts, the temple of His Holy Spirit, by coming to the Lord with all our anxieties. And Jesus makes us new. We clean out all the rubbish, the idols, and abominations. We follow His Book, worshiping Him in our clean house!

Jesus told the parable of a woman who lost a coin and swept her whole house to find it (Read Luke 15). Dear sister, Jesus loves you so much He would sweep the whole world to find you. Let’s have our hearts and houses clean when He comes!

Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? Luke 15:8 (NKJV)

If I wash myself with snow water,
And cleanse my hands with soap
. Job 9:30 (NKJV)

But who can endure the day of His coming?
And who can stand when He appears?
For He is like a refiner’s fire
And like launderers’ soap.
He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver;
He will purify the sons of Levi,
And purge them as gold and silver,
That they may offer to the Lord
An offering in righteousness.
Malachi 3:2-3 (NKJV)

Scripture from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.

Forgiven 4:7

Romans 4:7 Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.  

Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.  We are the blessed, dear one.  We are the blessed because our Father in heaven forgives us all our sins with the covering of Jesus’ blood on the cross. He no longer sees us as the lost, messed up, broken, bad-choosing, prideful sinners we are — that is washed away by Jesus’ redeeming blood. He sees us as pure children, clothed now in clean robes of white, with hearts clean inside and out, all our thoughts and actions are of Him, we walk in His word and by His Holy Spirit.  We are sheltered under the covering of His wings, like chicks around the mother hen. And any time we want, we can cuddle up safely in His nest, for even the sparrows have a place at His altar. But He does not make us stay there, He allows us to choose to come and go and grow and bring others into HIs family. And lest we wander too far from Him, He calls us back. Oh, dear one, bless the Lord for blessing you with His forgiveness and covering.  Always remember the cross and how Jesus bled and died for you and rose again. And stay close in His Word and prayer always, sheltered under His wings. ❤️ Amen. 

Leviticus 4:7 And the priest shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar of sweet incense before the Lord, which is in the tabernacle of meeting; and he shall pour the remaining blood of the bull at the base of the altar of the burnt offering, which is at the door of the tabernacle of meeting.  

Here we see the Gospel story of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold.  Leviticus 4 describes the sin offerings God ordained for His people Israel. This involved an animal without blemish (4:3) being sacrificed by the anointed priest at the tabernacle, for there was no forgiveness without the shedding of blood.  When Adam and Eve first sinned, God had to shed the first animal blood when He made them coats.  This is God’s Law, it’s how He ordained our purification, and yet still we could not sacrifice enough perfect animals for all our sins. So, God the Father sent His only Son Jesus to come into the world to die for our sins. He had to remain pure and spotless to be the perfect sacrifice. Jesus not only gave His life and shed His blood, He was also the anointed Priest who poured it out and interceded to the Father on our behalf.  And, just as the blood was poured out by the Tabernacle door, Jesus is the Door, the only way to heaven, everyone must enter through Him by accepting His free gift of salvation. And thus, we will all be sheltered under our Father’s Tabernacle forever.  Believe in Jesus, dear one, believe!  Come Lord Jesus, come!  Come Holy Spirit, come!  Come, Emmanuel, come!  ❤️ Amen. 

And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.  Hebrews 9:22 (NKJV)

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. Ephesians 1:7 (NKJV)

(See also Psalm 17:8, Psalm 36:7, Psalm 57:1, Psalm 61:4, Psalm 84:3, Psalm 91:4, Isaiah 1:18, Matthew 23:37, John 10:9, John 14:6, Romans 8:1, Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:14, Colossians 1:20, 1 Peter 1:18-20, Hebrews 9:22, 1 John 1:7, Revelation 1:5)

In summer 2022, the Lord called me to write 4:7 Petitions, Prayers, and Proclamations…  I heard the Lord saying, “Pay attention to 4:7!” I started reading every 4:7 verse in the Bible. When there wasn’t a 4:7, I read the closest verse. I used these verses as Prayers, Petitions, and Proclamations to the throne room of Christ our Savior. Bit by bit, I’m sharing them with you, my TEA CUPP Sisters.  Thank you for reading and praying 4:7!